Monday, May 29, 2017

my oral lessons

My oral lessons
Mom wants me to know some basics before I go to preschool in August. Hence,oral tuition began at home and this is just one video. And how can I forget Ajji who taught me many things.


my first full length prayer

My first full length prayer
Mom every morning insists me to repeat what she recites and this is how I learnt the prayer by-heart.


Thursday, May 25, 2017

bye bye Ajji (grandma)

Bye bye Ajji (grandma)
Finally we have to say goodbye to grandma. We miss you Ajji....


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

maami jotha of vidushmath

Vidushmath's first activity
Little brother's Maami Jotha...


Sunday, May 21, 2017

speak out bro..

Vidushmath's first word
Little brother turned 5 months and his first word is Amma (meaning mom)


five month old vidushmath

Today my brother Vidushmath turned five months. Mom had his pictures taken on every 21st since his birth.


Saturday, May 20, 2017

piano and violin play by cousin Abhirama

Cousin Abhirama
My cousin Abhirama who is in Second Grade is learning Piano and Violin.  Here is his recent piano program in Allen City, Texas.

Guruguha song on violin with teacher Jim

8 June 2018
This is Vishal, my cousin (son of mom's cousin Anilkumar)


Thursday, May 18, 2017

are you puzzled ?

Every time while I solve, mom gives me high five and Ajji encourages me.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

pink vs blue

Pink Vs Blue 
As I am older to Vidushmath mom always tells me to share my toys/things with him. Will he accept pink? Does my spectacles suit him? hey..hey..
